Monday, September 27, 2010

Dispatch: Lubbock, TX

The State Troopers who escorted us out of Gallup, NM stayed with us for a couple of hours. When they finally waved our caravan on we were traveling somewhere beyond 100 mph. I have no expectation that I will receive such a friendly gesture the next time a State Trooper catches me traveling somewhere on the far side of 100 mph. I drove the Camaro today and John and I won this phase of the Fireball Run. We were greeted by city officials and other well wishers at the Overton Hotel, our check in point. One of our missions was to purchase non perishable food items for a local food bank. I believe that more than 3,500 items were ultimately tallied up.

If I were to do another road rally, I would definitely put in some serious training. The competition gets frenzied and exhausting the closer we get to the finish line each day, with competitors foot racing to various check points and upon completion of bonus adventures. This friendly but fierce competition is where the real fun is. Certain vehicles seem to always be on the leader board and it is becoming apparent who the eventual winners are going to be. Hopefully, John and I will make the cut.

This part of America tends to be flat and the roads seem to extend beyond the horizon. The Lamborghinis take advantage of this opportunity to open up their throttles. They are awe inspiring as they leave our lesser vehicles in their dust. Makes you wonder why the first five cars to the finish line today were three Camaro’s, one Vette and a rented Dodge Charger.

It was not a good night. JJ and I got into it yet again and seem to be as compatible as oil and water. I doubt that KlaasKids will participate in the next Fireball Run. Hopefully, things will tone down as we move deeper into the competition. I know that he is trying very hard, but believe that his organization is understaffed, leaving too many details unattended.

Seriously, why are the American cars running circles against million dollar Lamborghinis? Has the quality of the American automobile evolved so quickly? I know that our stock Camaro is a beautiful machine that has an unsurpassed head turning capability.

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